Saturday, November 10, 2007

ready for the morning adventure!!

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.


Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.
We are finally on the way to valle! I am so excited to chase some rabbits!! Hurry hurry!!

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.
I woke up wanting on the bike...and they ( capt. Flash and stoker babe) just played around.

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.  mp3

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.
I can't describe the frustration of passing all those rabbits...i cry but captain flash just ignores my cry!!!! ahhh

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.
I started riding in june on the back of captain flash's tandem. I've riden over a thousand miles.

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.
To begin out tale...they hook me into a basket on the back of the bike!


Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.

Mobile post sent by Stoker Jack using Utterz Replies.  mp3